Strategic Contract
Management Services

Companies typically do not manage contracts well, resulting in increased costs and exposure to commercial and legal risks. Too often suppliers win a tender with competitive pricing and service delivery promises and then go through the honeymoon period of impressing the customer. This can then be followed by a drop in supplier performance, resulting in higher costs, supply risks, and reputational damage for the customer.

If organisations do not have the in-house capability and/or capacity to proactively manage strategic contracts, we can manage this process on the organisations’ behalf.

How we can help

We can provide experienced teams to act as your outsourced contract management team and manage your key contractual obligations including:

  • Review and validation of payment claims
  • Forecasting requirements
  • KPI tracking
  • Facilitate performance review meetings
  • Reporting requirements
  • Review and validation of price reviews
  • Variations, and formal contract communications

We work with our clients to develop a contract management plan outlining key responsibilities and contacts. We then actively manage the contract with input from key stakeholders to ensure all the contractual obligations are being met.

Our services provide our clients with peace of mind that they are receiving competitive pricing, contracts are being proactively managed, and requirements are retendered as required.